Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness Journey

Embracing a Healthy Lifestyle and Fitness Journey

Embarking on a healthier and fitter lifestyle is more than just a physical transformation, it's a commitment to nurturing the body, mind and spirit!

Today it is very important to nurture the mind as well, and I am here to guide you in adopting a holistic approach to health and fitness.

Join me as we explore the steps to embark on this transformative journey to make you happier and healthier.

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Understanding the Importance of Health and Fitness:

Before we get to the practice, let's understand why this is essential.

Our bodies are our most valuable asset, and investing in our health improves overall well-being, from reducing the risk of chronic disease to increasing mood and energy levels.
Would you agree with me that this is something we all want?
By consciously choosing to eat nutritious food, move regularly and prioritize self-care, we can build the foundation for a more vibrant life.

Setting Realistic Goals:

Let's start our journey by setting achievable goals that align with our values, and our current lifestyle. Instead of focusing solely on external results, such as weight loss, choose goals that connect to your aspirations. Let's focus on achieving small milestones to stay motivated on the path to long-term health and vitality.

For example, I want to wake up in the morning fresh and full of energy. ⏰
What can help this would be: at night;
1. Setting regular sleeping hours.
2. Stop eating two hours before bed.

When I wake up;
1. I will avoid accessing the mobile phone for the first half hour of the day.
2. I will drink a glass of water.
3. A guided meditation of 10 minutes, which will give me good energy that will radiate to me for the whole day.

To achieve all of these, I won't do it all at once, I'll start by going to bed 15-30 minutes earlier each night, etc. Change is made gradually.

Prioritizing Nutrition:

Nutrition plays a fundamental role in supporting overall health and well-being, more so than we think. The food we eat becomes us.

Everything we put into our body will affect us, for better or less.

Let's try together to maintain positive and better habits, such as;
1. Eating in an orderly manner at fixed times (for example, a meal every 3 hours).
2. Maintaining a good ratio between protein-carbohydrate-fat at each meal. A combination of fruits and vegetables to get the essential vitamins and minerals we need, and nature has given us.

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Find physical activity that we enjoy:

Let's try to find an activity that makes us feel good. Each of us can certainly connect to a certain type of sport, which is not necessarily considered popular. We are individual people, therefore each and what he likes. But you should know that every movement will increase our joy, release hormones of mood elevation, vitality and better health.

Try several types of sports, diversify until you find your favorite. It can be walking in nature, lifting weights, spinning classes, soccer, swimming, walking in the neighborhood.

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Mindfulness and self-care:

Our thought affects our whole life! It seems obvious, but many of us do not consider it. Notice that when you think positively, are grateful for the wonderful things in your life, you immediately feel better! What makes you want to move, do and create.

So if it does us so much good, let's do it consciously. Let's create the good feeling for ourselves, simply through the right thinking!

Tips for this will be:
1. Write down every day 3-5 things that you grateful for at this moment in your life. Every day try to write something different. As cheesy as it sounds, it works! Our brains cannot be occupied with a negative and positive thought at the same time!
And so you already understand that if I think about something good in my life, that is the only thing that will cross my mind at that moment, and as a result I will feel better, and that is our overall goal (for life). 😊

A lifelong process

Almost the most important! Be patient, and understanding towards yourself in the process. It's a lifelong process! We have nowhere to rush. And success is not a straight line. There will be good days and less good days. There will be situations where we get out of the healthy routine and that's okay. The most important thing is that we put our focus on long-term success, and adopting good habits, one habit at a time.

Good luck to us, and let's start exercising and eating nutritious and delicious food!

Shani Bider

I'm a passionate software developer, who really likes to live a healthy lifestyle, and maximize my abilities to the limit! I am curious, love challenges, personal development, and growth! I like to conquer goals, win challenges, learn new things in my field, be as professional as I can, learn from others, research and discover new topics, contribute, help and give my knowledge to others, and just be better every day.


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    Shani Bider

    June 20, 2019 at 2:21pm

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur quidem laborum necessitatibus, ipsam impedit vitae autem, eum officia, fugiat saepe enim sapiente iste iure! Quam voluptas earum impedit necessitatibus, nihil?


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    Shani Bider

    June 20, 2019 at 2:21pm

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur quidem laborum necessitatibus, ipsam impedit vitae autem, eum officia, fugiat saepe enim sapiente iste iure! Quam voluptas earum impedit necessitatibus, nihil?


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      Shani Bider

      June 20, 2019 at 2:21pm

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur quidem laborum necessitatibus, ipsam impedit vitae autem, eum officia, fugiat saepe enim sapiente iste iure! Quam voluptas earum impedit necessitatibus, nihil?


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        Shani Bider

        June 20, 2019 at 2:21pm

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur quidem laborum necessitatibus, ipsam impedit vitae autem, eum officia, fugiat saepe enim sapiente iste iure! Quam voluptas earum impedit necessitatibus, nihil?


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          John Doe

          October 03, 2023 at 5:31pm

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur quidem laborum necessitatibus, ipsam impedit vitae autem, eum officia, fugiat saepe enim sapiente iste iure! Quam voluptas earum impedit necessitatibus, nihil?


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    Shani Bider

    June 20, 2019 at 2:21pm

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Pariatur quidem laborum necessitatibus, ipsam impedit vitae autem, eum officia, fugiat saepe enim sapiente iste iure! Quam voluptas earum impedit necessitatibus, nihil?


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